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ซื้อฉบับนี้ : 120.00 ฿


มรดกที่ขอฝากไว้ฉบับ 2 ภาษา ข้าพเจ้าไม่มีมรดกอะไร ที่จะฝากไว้กับเพื่อนพุทธบริษัทผู้เป็นเพื่อนเกิดแก่เจ็บตายทั้งหลาย นอกจากสิ่งที่ระบุไว้ในข้อความข้างล่างนี้ ด้วยความหวังว่า ถ้ายังมีการสืบมรดกนี้อยู่เพียง ใดกิจกรรมสวนโมกขพลารามก็จะยังคงมีอยู่ตลอดกาลนานเพียงนั้นและ"พุทธทาส" ก็จะยังคงมีอยู่ในสถานที่นั้นๆตลอดกาลเพียงนั้นขอได้โปรดพิจารณากันตั้งแต่บัดนี้ ซึ่งจะเป็นการง่ายในการ สืบมรดกดังกล่าวขอให้ถือว่า เป็นมรดกธรรมแก่บรรดาเพื่อนผู้มอบกายถวายชีวิต ในการสืบอายุพระศาสนา เพื่อประยชน์แก่คนทั้งโลกเถิดมิได้เป็นเรื่องส่วนบุคคลแต่ประการใด โดย : พุทธทาสภิกขุ Since the early stage of his monkhood, Buddhadasa found himself at odds with the traditional form of Thai Theravada Buddhism. Thus he devoted the whole of his life to the reinterpretation of the Theravada doctrines. Being a monk of great rationality, he also sought to bring about and demonstrate to the world the compatibility of Theravada Buddhist teaching with the modern days be it in the political, social, cultural, economic and spiritual field of our daily life. The originality of his perceptions and his bold reformist ideas are like gust of cool and refreshing wind that turns a confused and dizzy mind sober. His demythologization of Buddhist teachings is a torch which dispels the darkness that veils over Theravada Buddhism and sets an unconventional precedent in the interpretation of religious texts or doctrines in Thailand. Buddhadasa viewed other religions through his own insight. He managed to draw parallels between different religious doctrines and traditions and the result was a discourse on “On Religion”. To Buddhadasa, one who truly reaches the core of religion understands its essence and will finally transcend the barriers between religions and attain the Ultimate Truth which is universal. Thus it makes no sense for adherents of religions to quarrel and fight among themselves over religious matters. The turn of the century does not see an end to the old conflicts of the last century. Instead the world is withnessing a growing increase in political and social violences, some of which are related to issues over religions. If only all religious believers were able to put aside their differences and get to the core of their true religious teaching, as Buddhadasa had expressed in his wish, they would realise the Ultimate Realities of Truth, thereby trancending all the frivolities and trifling matters or the deadly serious attachment to certain dangerously prejudiced notions or concepts and attain the true spiritual liberation of the mind. Buddhism is generally considered as a non-theistic, religion, but Buddhadasa defines ‘God’ as Dhamma or Ultimate Truth, and Dhamma is God. Thus Buddhism has a God too, but since God is Dhamma and Dhamma is Utimate Truth, so God is just Ultimate Truth. Being Innovative and individualistic, Buddhadasa leaves a legacy that is extraordinarily refreshing, stimulating and meaningful not only to Thailand but also to the world as a whole, because his works carry a message of truth, peace and real spiritual liberation. The world is in dire need of peace but how is peace to be attained when people are at war with themselves ? Peace has to be built from within-the mind. More than two thousand years ago, the Buddha had found a way to peacethrough the mind; and Buddhadasa, in his own unique way, had done his best in trying to lead us to way of the Buddha. The rest is up to us.


ISBN : 9789747251906

วันวางขาย :

จำนวนหน้า : 113 หน้า

ประเภทไฟล์ : PDF

ขนาดไฟล์ : 38.13 MB

ประเทศ : TH

ภาษา : English


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จากสำนักพิมพ์ สำนักพิมพ์ธรรมสภา (Thammasapa)

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